Nature, design and art can powerfully impact our minds. At Fable Sonoma, our outdoor and indoor spaces are designed to maximize healing using learnings from neuroscience and neuroaesthetics. Below are some resources to learn about how creativity, mood, mindset, and overall mental well-being are tied to our surroundings:
Nurtured by nature: Psychological research is advancing our understanding of how time in nature can improve our mental health and sharpen our cognition
Your brain on nature: How exposure to natural environments heals, calms and cures
Nature's Healing Touch: The Neuroscience Behind Blue and Green Spaces
The Healing Power of Nature: How Increased Nature Connection Can Benefit Mental Health
Architecture & Design
Walking through Architectural Spaces: The Impact of Interior Forms on Human Brain Dynamics
Meow Wolf's co-founder building a spa of the future
Your Brain on Art: ​How the Arts Transform Us